Wholesale Vermiculite

Image SKU Grade Size Skid/Each
1 2 4 6
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Vermiculite 1A - Fine PH-521101 4 Cubic Foot Bag 1
$47.03 $47.03 $47.03 $47.03
Vermiculite 2A - Medium PH-521103 4 Cubic Foot Bag 1
$56.87 $56.87 $56.87 $56.87
Vermiculite 3A - Coarse PH-521105 4 Cubic Foot Bag 1
$68.74 $68.74 $68.74 $68.74
Vermiculite 4A - Extra Coarse PH-521107 4 Cubic Foot Bag 1
$75.65 $75.65 $75.65 $75.65

1 - 4 of 4

Use when shipping chemicals and liquids.

  • Grade 1A Fine - Most absorbent. Use for horticulture and liquid spill cleanups.
  • Grade 2A Medium - Absorbs spills and provides good cushioning properties.
  • Grade 3A Coarse - Protects bottled liquids from leakage and damage during shipping.
  • Grade 4A Extra Coarse - Largest Size. Provides excellent cushioning.